
Why Your Business Needs a Website

Why Your Business Needs a Website

The absence of a business website can be a significant disadvantage.  A well-designed website serves as the cornerstone of a company’s online presence, establishing credibility and building ...

Website maintenance cost

Website maintenance cost

Unfortunately, some people forget to consider the website maintenance costs after making a website. This post discusses the essential elements contributing to your website maintenance. Domain ...

Pipeline Marketing

Pipeline Marketing

A marketing pipeline is a method used to identify qualified buyers and create a strategy to complete sales. Pipeline marketing is a strategy that marketers and salespeople use to convert leads ...

The Sales Pipeline

The Sales Pipeline

Your sales pipeline is the specific sequence of actions your team takes to convert sales leads into closed sales. This includes every tactic used from sales outreach to negotiation, and ...

SEO Power Words

SEO Power Words

SEO Power Words and Power Phrases are persuasive words that push people to take action SEO Power Words and Power Phrases are persuasive words that push people to take action – purchase your ...

Keys to successful post optimisation

Keys to successful post optimisation

Post optimisation of each post on a website is a critical factor in search engine optimization. Content Writing Search engines will love your site if you add fresh content to it on a regular ...

How do your customers find you?

How do your customers find you?

You should always know how your customers find you Did they use a search engine, find you on social media, an online directory, personal recommendation, no idea? If you are not tracking your ...

La Vida Marketing